
Showing posts from October, 2019

CO2, Nd YAG & Fiber lasers - which is right for me

With so many options on laser marking systems available today it is not surprising that many people get confused with which is the most suitable to their application. Many people don’t even know that the term “laser”, is actually an acronym – Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation – which explains the process by which a laser beam is created. The basic theory of this is simple. A gain medium (the material that is used to create the laser light), is excited using either light or electrical energy to generate photons (the laser light). All of this is happening in a closed cavity, with a completely reflective mirror at one end, and a semi reflective one at the other. When the light bouncing around inside gains enough energy, it escapes through the semi-reflective mirror.    These high energy photons are then focused to a small spot (much like you did at school when you used a magnifying glass to focus the sunlight to burn things!). If it is a vector laser, ...